We are here presenting you the Islamic Calendar 2017 which is also known as the Hijri Calendar 2017. This calendar is specially prepared to deliver you the details of important events and dates of Muslim community.
This calendar has drawn its origin from the holy city of Makkah, migrated to Yathrib and reached to the holy city Madinah. Islamic Calendar also contains 12 months with a particular Hijri year. Our team has carefully prepared Islamic Calendar 2017 or 1438 Hijri Calendar by clearly observing the sighting of moon. Our calendar will give you the information related to the festivals and other major dates. We hope, going through the Islamic Calendar Dates 2017 will solve out the queries of the seekers.
Event | Islamic Date | Gregorian Date |
Israk Mikraj | 27 Rejab 1438 | 24 April 2017 |
Syaaban | 15 Syaaban 1438 | 11 May 2017 |
Beginning of Fasting (Eid-ul-Fitr) | 1 Ramadan 1438 | 27 May 2017 |
Nuzul Al-Quran | 17 Ramadan 1438 | 12 June 2017 |
Eve of 27th Night | 26 Ramadan 1438 | 21 june 2017 |
Hari Raya Aidilfitri/Eid al-Fitr | 1 Syawal 1438 | 25 June 2017 |
Haj Days | 8 Thul-Hijjah 1438 - 13 Thul-Hijjah 1438 | 30 August 2017 - 4 September 2017 |
Arafa Day | 9 Thul-Hijjah 1438 | 31 August 2017 |
Hari Raya Aidiladha (Eid al-Adha) | 10 Thul-Hijjah 1439 | 1 September 2017 |
Islamic New Year (1439H) | 1 Muharram 1439 | 21 September 2017 |
Ed-ul-Muhurram | Muhurram | 30 September 2017 |
Milan-e-Nabi | Id-e-Milad | 2 December 2017 |
Prophet Muhammad�s Birthday | 12 Rabiulawal 1439 | 2 December 2017 |